Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions and our answers. If you can't find what you are looking for, you can always send us an email with your request.

What are the cancellation periods for paid subscriptions?
Our subscriptions can be either monthly or annually. With the monthly payment option, all subscriptions can be canceled at any time for the next month.
How does artificial intelligence work at to teach?
to teach uses artificial intelligence to create exercise tasks and personalize educational content. Simply select a worksheet and adjust it to the desired topic. The individually personalized teaching material is ready!
How can I use to teach for my classes?
to teach provides teachers with a collection of teaching content that can be adapted to the interests of the class. This way, personalized and modern teaching content can be created in seconds.
How do I create high-quality exercise tasks?
The quality directly depends on the description of the desired topic. The worksheets already provide a topic area that works best. Orienting on the structure of the provided examples achieves the desired result.
How can the quality of worksheets be ensured?
A lot of time and work has gone into the development and creation of the existing worksheets to ensure quality. The artificial intelligence used for this is additionally trained with the created content. This way, the AI learns and improves itself.
How do I ensure that to teach content matches my curriculum?
To ensure that to teach content matches your curriculum, you can upload your curriculum when creating a lesson plan. Our AI uses this as a basis and adjusts the suggested materials and tasks accordingly. This ensures that the created content precisely aligns with your specific curriculum and optimally supports the learning objectives.
Can I use to teach without registration?
Of course! All basic content and tasks created by us are available for free from the start for teaching purposes. The content can be used both online and offline. Only for personalization and creation of content is registration necessary.
Can I create a complete lesson plan with to teach?
Yes, to teach allows you to create complete lesson plans. The AI assists you by helping you define learning objectives, structure content, and develop appropriate exercises or tasks. This way, you can ensure that your lesson is well-planned and tailored to the needs of your students.
Can AI create worksheets?
Yes, at to teach, our AI can create and customize worksheets. We offer a variety of worksheet templates developed in collaboration with experienced teachers. With the help of our AI, these templates can be individually adapted to the specific topics and learning progress of your students. This way, we ensure that the quality of the materials remains high and is optimally tailored to the needs of your class.
Can to teach create worksheets for YouTube videos?
Yes, to teach allows you to create worksheets for YouTube videos. Our AI analyzes the video and can develop questions and tasks based on it that check and deepen the understanding of the content. This way, you can effectively integrate YouTube videos into your lessons and engage students interactively.
How can I create presentations with to teach?
With to teach, you can create appealing presentations quickly and easily. Our AI supports you by suggesting relevant content and helping to design structured and informative slides. You can easily integrate images, texts, and graphics and adjust the presentations to your individual teaching needs.
What subjects are available at to teach?
At to teach, we offer a wide range of content and materials for numerous school subjects. These include English, German, French, History, Social Studies/Politics, Biology, and Geography. Additionally, we cover subjects such as Italian, Science, General Knowledge, Chemistry, Mathematics, Spanish, Economics, Ethics, Physics, Religion, Art, and Music. We also provide interdisciplinary content for cross-curricular lesson planning. Our general tools are designed to enable you to create content for any subject, including vocational school subjects. This way, you can design lessons individually and flexibly according to the needs of your students.